"Fear holds you back. Intuition, faith and love push you forward."
Self-care is essential for HSP empaths to maintain their emotional wellbeing. Engaging in practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and spending time in nature can help them recharge and replenish their energy. Creating a supportive network of understanding individuals who value their sensitivity can also provide a sense of validation and empowerment.
Fear Me Out: Empath & HSP Podcasts
By harnessing their gifts and embracing their sensitivity, HSP empaths can create meaningful connections and contribute to a more empathetic and compassionate world.
EP1 Fear Me Out: How To Manage Fear & Live a More Fulfilling Life. Welcome to the Fear Me Out Podcast with your hosts Kim Fauskee & Dr. Dana Saperstein EP1: Kim Fauskee & Dr. Dana Saperstein discuss why they wrote a book, who they are, how fear got a bad rap, and why managing fear always beats trying to overcome it. "Fear holds you back. Intuition and faith push you forward." Kim Fauskee & Dr. Dana Saperstein are the co-authors of a book by the same name (Fear Me Out) that will be released in 2022. Their unique approach to managing fear will have you experiencing and feeling fear differently. Along with their studio guests, they engage in life conversations that most people are too uncomfortable to have and debunk myths regarding fea& everyday psychological issues that affect many of us.|LISTEN >
EP4 The Fear of Taking on Other People's Emotions & How To Avoid It Leading you to Psychological Demise. Kim & Dana go solo this episode and begin a conversation regarding the Fear of Taking on Other People’s Emotions. They discuss the fine line between Empathy and Martyr behavior and how taking on someone else’s pain, anger, sadness, or grief can lead to your own psychological demise and prevent you from living a self- fulfilling life.|LISTEN >
EP8 The Fear of Taking on Other People's Emotions & How To Avoid It Leading you to Psychological Demise. Kim & Dana go solo this episode and begin a conversation regarding the Fear of Taking on Other People’s Emotions. They discuss the fine line between Empathy and Martyr behavior and how taking on someone else’s pain, anger, sadness, or grief can lead to your own psychological demise and prevent you from living a self- fulfilling life.|LISTEN >
EP25 The Healing Power of Music w/Peter Melnick. Dana & Kim are joined in-studio by Peter Melnick who followed his famous family’s roots into the music business and created his own success story not only professionally, but personally. Peter talks about how music played an integral role in shaping his life’s journey along with healing the trauma he encountered along the way. | LISTEN >
EP31 Music is what Feelings sound like with Guest Host Sofia Shuster. “MUSIC IS WHAT FEELINGS SOUND LIKE” In this episode, Dana and Kim are joined in-studio by Sofia Schuster who suffered from paralyzed vocal cords at birth and wasn’t able to utter a sound for the first three months of her life. At age 3, she discovered music which eventually led her to the stages of American Idol and entrance into the prestigious Interlochen Center for the Arts. Sofia’s talent for music is equally matched by her outlook on life and how she views her place in the world. Sofia’s vocal talent is also on display as she performs two of her original songs.| LISTEN >
EP56 Dr. Dana & Kim | Living an Empathic Life “BEING AN EMPATH IS LIKE SEEING WITH THE SOUL” Do you have an Empath in your life…... A parent, child, sibling, spouse or partner? Living an Empathic life is both a blessing and a curse. True Empaths only make up 2% of the population. Dana and Kim explain in detail what an Empath is, how they operate in life, and what daily living is like being an Empath.| LISTEN >
EP60 Dr. Dana & Kim | Running Toward Fear "NEVER LET FEAR DECIDE YOUR FUTURE” This episode is a prologue to EP52 on Hypnotherapy. Dr. Dana conducts an actual psychotherapy session with Co-Host Kim. This episode centers around Kim’s increasing anxiety and depression surrounding recent events in his life, falling back into a familiar pattern of self-isolation, and the pain of not feeling loved & cared for. This is a raw and candid conversation which focuses on running toward fear & not away from it. |LISTEN >
EP61 Dr. Dana & Kim with Special Guest; Author / Journalist Paul Kix | Stoicism et al. Dana and Kim are joined in this conversation by Author / Journalist, Paul Kix. Paul is the author of; “The Saboteur” and the “You Have To Be Prepared To Die Before You Live”. His critically acclaimed journalistic pieces have appeared in such publications as: ESPN the Magazine, GQ, Inc, Entrepreneur Magazine, The Boston Globe, & the Wall Street Journal. Paul’s 2017 feature piece for GQ Magazine; “The Accidental Getaway Driver” was recently made into a feature film and won the Best Director award for Director Sing Lee at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival. Paul’s psychological sophistication is apparent through out his writings & his daily stoic practices have helped him navigate change, life obstacles, & doing what's right. |LISTEN >
EP65 Dr. Dana & Co-Host Susan Saperstein discuss Characteristics of an Effective Therapist. What makes a good psychotherapist and how can I find one? In this episode, Dr. Dana discusses how a therapist’s own self-awareness, intuition, sensitivity, cultural awareness and medical knowledge contribute to the success of the client-therapist relationship. With Dana's wife Susan asking the questions, potential clients will learn to trust their own instincts in choosing the best therapist for themselves. | LISTEN >
EP66 Dr. Dana Saperstein w/Special Guest Dr. Michael Vogel | Mental Health Professional. "ONE OF MY MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES IS TO BE OPEN TO NEW EXPERIENCES" In this episode, Dr. Dana interviews his trusted and admired friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Vogel. Dr. Vogel describes his life journey from a difficult childhood to a respected therapist and business owner. He also shares his experience as a career naval aviator landing jets on aircraft carriers before becoming a successful psychotherapist.|LISTEN >
EP67 Dr. Dana Saperstein with Special Guest: Anthony Kar L.Ac | Oriental Medicine with Heart & Soul. TO SOLVE A PROBLEM, YOU NEED TO GET TO THE CAUSE, NOT JUST DEAL WITH THE SYMPTOMS.Dr. Dana Saperstein is joined in studio with his dear friend and trusted colleague, Anthony Kar. Anthony is a licensed acupuncturist and doctor of oriental medicine, practicing in Santa Barbara, CA for almost 30 years. Dr. Dana & Anthony share the same philosophy of not pathologizing their patients based on their presenting symptoms, but rather supporting them holistically on their journey to healing.|LISTEN >
EP68 Dr. Dana with Special Guest Jennifer Vogel MA LMFT | Respected Mental Health Professional. "MY FRIST SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE OCCURRED LISTENING TO A CHURCH CHOIR REHEARSE UNDER MY GRANDMA'S DIRECTION."In this episode, Dr. Dana interviews Jennifer Vogel, MA, LMFT, a mental health professional he trusts & admires. Jennifer has always felt a calling to be of service, so becoming a successful psychotherapist was a natural. Her approach to her practice is unique & inspiring. |LISTEN >
EP69 Dr. Dana Saperstein with Special Guest - FAVORITE PSYCHIATRIST. DR. ZEV NATHAN. I love people’s stories. I know that there is nothing in the world I would rather do than spend my work life listening to people. I particularly like challenging stories and cases that really exercise my spirit and mind. I am lucky to be able to have the the privilege of watching people get better. In addition my work allows me the opportunity to learn new things every single day. Dr.Nathan and I have worked together for over 15 years. Great stories.|LISTEN >
EP73 Emotional Abuse & Starvation. Dr. Dana Saperstein w/Special Guest -Grace. "MY LIFE AS A CHILD WAS PHYSICAL, AND EMOTIONAL ABUSE AND STARVATION". In this episode, Dr. Dana is joined in studio by Grace. She describes extreme violence and emotional abuse accompanied by starvation. Her journey toward healing is heroic and intense. intense |LISTEN >
EP79 Derin Stockton is interviewed by Dr. Dana Regarding his psychological approach to Optimal Physical Health. "PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH ARE LINKED IN VERY IMPORTANT WAYS" Dr. Dana is joined by his friend & colleague Derin Stockton. Derin & Dr. Dana have worked with many clients in common over the years.Derin's unique approach to helps his clients achieve optimal physical & emotional health.|LISTEN >
EP107 Dr. Dana | HSP + Empath Characteristics "BEING A HSP OR EMPATH IS A GIFT, NOT A LIABILITY"
Dr. Dana discusses the characteristics of being a "Highly Sensitive Person." This episode is the beginning of a series about how to thrive as an Empath or HSP.|LISTEN >
Dr. Dana interviews John Kamps regarding how being a highly sensitive person has affected his life. John describes how important it was for him to understand and accept being a HSP. This was a necessary step in healing his trauma and thriving as an unusual person.|LISTEN >
Dr. Dana interviews his good friend and colleague, Jen Vogel about her learning to thrive as a HSP. Jen recognized this trait at a young age and has been helping people her whole life. This eventually resulted in Jen's choice to become a mental health professional.|LISTEN >
EP110 Dr. Dana & Amy Zimmerman | Learning to Accept being a HSP "AS A CHILD, I NEVER REALIZED WHY I FELT MY EMOTIONS SO DEEPLY"
Amy Zimmerman and Dr. Dana talk at length about how she has spent years healing her trauma and embracing being a highly sensitive person.|LISTEN >
Dave and Dr. Dana discuss how being HSP makes childhood trauma much more damaging to a person. Understanding being a HSP has allowed Dave the ability to heal his trauma.|LISTEN >
EP112 Series Conclusion - Being A HSP Being an HSP is purely a biological phenomenon. Dr. Dana finishes his series on being a highly sensitive person. He discusses at length the biology of this phenomena. Being a HSP is biologically driven and strongly influenced by the environment.|LISTEN >